

Saturday, May 7, 2011

the nightmare turns to be world's paradise.

salam semua umat manusia.

rasenye mcm everybody pun knows i went for umrah about 2 weeks ago.i just got back and still having the flu,fever,cough,sore throat etc.why did i post this picture all?saje je.tah.maybe ada yg request nk tgk gambar kaabah ke?so here u go.

it was beautiful and u can't even imagine how does it feel when u're in the masjidil haram.the only thing i could ever think of when i looked at it was :

i'm a muslim with a soul full of sins.the moment was full of tears.keliling aku pn org nanges teresak2.

when dad told me that we're goin for an umrah instead of Paris, I was the one who rebelled the most.I tot i wasn't ready for a change.

But the moment i got there,everything changed.

panas x peluh pn.the floor too.

we went for the camel camel's milk.delicious bebeyh.and the camels were quite friendly.

after isya' prayer.if u have ur jaw dropped to the laptop,it's normal. :D

from left : nadia,mama syg,lisya ayam,nabila.the guys were bz with their gadgets at the hotel.heh.

i can't remember kt mane ni.maybe some place yg ade gunung psl perang uhud kot.mase ziarah ni i was very sleepy.had some troubles with my body clock.sengal.

the last day at makkah was hard.i can't sleep at all thinking of leaving the place and aku hope this won't be the last time for me.i prayed for family,friends.but like ustaz said,

"bisa kita doa untuk semua,tapi pangkal pokoknya terletak pada individu.jika dia mau dirinya berubah ke jalan yg benar,maka tuhan bisa tolong dia,mudahkan dia ke jalan yg diredhai.jika dia sendiri berat ndak ninggalin duniawi nya,maka rugilah."

ni yg ustaz ckp.aku repeat je.aku sndri doa utk diri sndri.ada certain bnda yg aku still xleh tggl : menari.
how?sndri yg kn berubah kan.fikirlah sndri nazira.

satu lg.ustaz reminded us about the end of days.byk dah signnye skarang.contohnya banyak saksi palsu & menyimpan kesaksian yang benar(tgk la saksi video sex anwar yg buat sumpah laknat kt masjid tu),hubungan sejenis,penghiasan masjid yg melampau, ustaz ckp,kiamat plg dekat adalah apabila seekor binatang,i forgot the name,come out from bukit safa.this topic always give me goosebumps.haish.

ok la.da mcm ustazah.should get some sleep.oh,before i 4get,ni ustaz ckp jugak.

kunci ke pintu syurga : la ilahaillallah.almalikul haqqul mubin muhammadurrasulullah.sadiqul wa'dil amin.(to STFian,ni zikir yg kita slalu baca ramai2 kt surau.)

nite folks.

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