

Saturday, July 25, 2009

perkara yg boleh buat saya gila sekarang~

u're soooo ready to let me go...
aku accept..kalau b4 dis aku wondering and hoping..
now aku taw aku di mane..
disappointed..frustrated..i couldn't imagine how i feel towards u rite now..
i tot u worth much more than that..but i was wrong..
i was hoping 4 sumthing more..bkn bnda bodoh tu yg aku nak..
if ko fikir aku semurah tu..u are wrong..walaupun ko cuma bertanya..
tp pada aku..once ko bertanya..dah cukup utk tunjuk d real u and wat u feel towards me..
time kaseh la buat aku sedar yg aku ni tersalah hope..
air mata aku dah cukup kering..dah x larat nak tanggung sume bnda nih..
before dis ko ckp aku yg nk let go evrything kan..
tp hari ni..aku dah taw la kan..yg sbnarnye ko yg beria nk lepas aku..
ko mmg xnk pape dah..heh...
maybe i sound a lil crazy here..but trust me..aku rasa sakit yg amat..
sakit yg amat sbb aku jatuh kali kedua sbb ko..
masa 1st time aku jatuh..aku x sedar..
i still believe in u..sebulan tu cukup indah..cukup indah sehingga aku x mampu nk let go evrythin camtu je..
aku put on weight gila2..aahahhaha..imagine je lah camne bahagia nye aku kan..ahahaha..
sme tu over sbb slh aku..aku mengaku..aku salah..die xleh nk trime aku lg..sampai skang..3 hari di rumah masa aku down tu..tuhan je taw camne..aku hope smpi skang..betapa la sayangnye kan aku kt ko ni..i think u know dat..aku cuma pelik..kenapa begitu mudah berubah hati..i was tryin my best to win ur heart back..seminggu aku try..aku penat..aku try nk ko dtg blk..y?coz he said he was tryin to save wat's left..he said he showed me the aku ni bodoh sgt x dpt nk tgk hint yg bad..bodoh nye aku..
i duno wat's up 4 us next..but to be frank..aku xnk tgk muke ko pn skang ni..
tlglah stay away..jgn bagi aku pape a friend skali pn..
kewujudan perempuan sial tu!!(aku baru taw semalam.sgt terkejut n xleh tido)
yg konon2nya msg ko nk taw psl aku n ko yg dah over ni..konon2nya concern..padehal......heh.
bitch...(jgn amalkan penggunaan ayat ni.gelaran ni hanya utk perempuan lain x layak)
mcm mane ko benci dat son of a bitch..camtu a aku benci die..x fhm gak xtaw a..
aku xnk amek taw pape dah pasni..ikut la ko nk wat pape..maybe m not good enough 4 u..maybe m just a stupid girl yg menagih kasih sayang ko..pathetic me~(klo die bace msti die ckp..u fikir la ape yg u nk fikir..)haha.
aku akan ingat setiap benda..each n evry single thing yg we've done together..those were sweet memories yg aku xleh lupa..n tx 4 sebulan yg amat indah tu..aku x pnah rase cmtu seumur hidup aku..first nite aku bersama dia..aku ingt masa tu kat OU.die ajak tgk salvation(aku da tgk cite tu padehal.)..dalam wayang tu die cakap ape?aku ingat evrythin..sebelum tu kat tasik..detik2 aku terima dia dlm hidup aku balik..haih~mamak kat subang..aku ingat setiap words dat he told me..aku simpan sume bnda yg kite buat..aku ade file lagi simpan sume bnda tuh..haha...klo aku jadi tuan punya diri aku amat bangga...heh..lepas ni if member2 tanye die..(mane awek ko?)aku harap die ckp..aku dah single..
sakitnya..after all the hard work..after all dat yg jadi..dis is wat we get..

to U...m sorry 4 wat i've done..yg buat u sakit hati..bout ur dad..m really sorry..hope u get wat u want after dis..u're better off without me...seperti mane yg ko ckp..(i dun think u're d one dat i want rite now)sigh~
aku akan ingat bnda ni sampai bila2..

sampai bila-bila..

kamu..u used to be the one that i love..the one dat i care d most..the one who knows evrything bout me..
saya x menyesal kenal kamu..kamu d best thing dat ever happened in my life..tenkiu sgt2..


A'ai said...

dear najilaa,

Life is filled with happiness, sadness, tears, smiles, laughter and other emotions...

but when life gets you down..
just be strong about it and keep your head up high and have faith in all things in life..

if things dont work out as you plan dont worry cuz life moves on..
and true love will be waiting for you again...

juz believe in karma...
everything happend for a reason..

Unknown said...

tenkiu babe..really appreciate it..haih~
m sooo confused rite now..
tx 4 d advice...ko mmg d best!

A'ai said...

u're most welcome darl...
dun miserable2 k...
hope for the best..